Each year, the first full week in May is recognized as National Correctional Officers and Employees Week, recognizing the contributions of correctional officers and personnel who work in jails, prisons, and community corrections across the country.

On May 5, 1984, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed the first full week of May would be observed as National Correctional Officers’ Week in recognition of the important role these officers play in our criminal justice system.
The position of Correctional Officer, once considered merely that of a “guard,” has become increasingly more complex and demanding, involving simultaneously custodial, supervisory, rehabilitation, and counseling roles, and that complexity continues to grow.
In the year 2020, Correctional Officers continue to play that vital role, but in an ever more stressful environment due to the current pandemic sweeping our nation and the world.
This week acknowledges the difficult job Correction Officers perform, locked within a facility for a large part of their day where they must securely, safely and humanely keep those committed to a prison or jail, respecting the rights and dignity of all the inmates, including those who have been found guilty and those only awaiting adjudication.
Mi-Case salutes all of our officers and we thank you for the incredible work you do everyday!