Arizona Office of Strategic Planning and Budgeting

Revolutionizing Federal Fund Reporting with Mi-Case


Arizona Office of Strategic Planning and Budgeting



In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Arizona Governor’s Office of Strategic Planning and Budgeting (OSPB) was tasked with tracking and reporting the effectiveness of various federal funds across Arizona, including those related to the Coronavirus State Fiscal Relief Fund (CSFRF), Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF), and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). This complex undertaking required a robust solution capable of offering clear, consolidated insights into the distribution and impact of these significant financial resources.

Mi-Case, in partnership with Ernst & Young, rose to the challenge by creating a tailored Proof of Concept (POC) reporting system. The solution encompassed defining precise Key Performance Indications (KPIs), deploying a reporting solution for real-time tracking, crafting insightful data visualizations, and maintaining an annual performance report to fulfill federal compliance. Guided by our excellence in project management, Mi-Case ensured all elements were expertly integrated, delivered on time, and within budget.

The transformation ushered in by Mi-Case provided OSPB with a transparent view of federal funds' utilization across Arizona, consolidating KPI reporting and facilitating robust capturing of program outputs and outcomes. This innovation delivered critical insights, enabling the State to utilize the funds effectively, efficiently, and equitably, reflecting Mi-Case's commitment to excellence in both innovation and project management.

Mi-Case's adept handling of this multifaceted, multi-agency project exemplified our ability to align technological solutions with strategic objectives. Our transformative approach not only exceeded OSPB's expectations, it reinforced our position as a trusted partner for delivering remarkable results.